“I See You!”

I’ve been enjoying Theo’s kisses for about a month now.  He’s been getting better and better at it even though the smooch of his lips is more a clucking of his tongue.  In any case, his kisses are gentle and loving, and arrive most often just before bedtime when he’s letting us know he’s tired.  He’ll pull himself up beside me, and plant one right on my mouth.  Then, I know it’s time to settle him for the night.  Recently, however, I’ve caught Theo and Willow leaning in towards each other to plant a juicy kiss on one another’s lips. Unfortunately, too often it ends in a loud head-butt.  It’s always just a momentary and peaceful pause in a bustle of activity as they rove through their toys strewn about the floor.

They are finally becoming friends…or rivals, or at the very least, are beginning to acknowledge each other.  I wanted to think that from the beginning they have shared a special connection because of their first nine — or in their case — eight months together in the womb.  I’m sure they must.  I remember my excitement the first time I watched them, during one of their early feedings, reach across my then immense breast-scape to find each others fingers.  But it’s only now, a year later, that they are beginning to show regular evidence of their connection.  At mealtime we might catch them holding hands while they wait for their food.  Or, they each alternately tap their heads, enticing the other to do the same.  Perhaps the very earliest game of Simon Says.  Recently, chase has become their favourite together game.  They’ll careen down the hall and around the corner, one on the other’s tail, only to get to a dead end and the chaser then becomes the chased as they turn the game around.  Sometimes, and sadly already too often, they also acknowledge each other as rivals.  They might challenge each other for their favourite toy, a stray spoon or a piece of ribbon.  Theo’s starting to exhibit his tendencies as a provoker — grabbing a toy from Willow and placing it carefully on the far side of his body out of her reach.  Willow, on the other hand, readily exercises her vocal cords — voicing her displeasure for us, and all the neighbours, to hear.  But, the best of times are when Theo makes Willow giggle — a giggle, which at times can turn into a belly-aching chortle.  The first time we caught him acting as her clown was by accident when a couple of months ago we overheard them on the monitor during naptime.  He was throwing himself onto his blankets much to the pleasure of his audience of one.  Willow, sitting in her own crib, was holding her tummy as she laughed and laughed.  

We’re a family of four, but already there are also two teams of two.  I’m already looking forward to games’ nights.



6 thoughts on ““I See You!””

  1. How lovely! It reminded me of Dylan and Sidey. It is such a special bond twins have. My kids still remark on how fun it was to always have a playmate and partner in crime and they are still the most important people in each others lives.

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