Why Bon Echo?

The real question might first be, “Why a camping wedding?”  When we first started playing with different ideas, we realized that we wanted to create an event whereby the experience itself and the venue also were meaningful to us and to our friends and family. We thought about different places, and kept returning home.  In order for our wedding to touch us in the most intimate way, we decided we would have to get married at home.  That way, we would forever hold the day close.

A beautiful idea.  Definitely.  We love our home, plan on staying here forever, seeing our children through school and dating, celebrating our anniversaries and birthdays.  It made clear sense to invite our friends home to celebrate our love.   Panic, however, began to worm its way into our planning as we contemplated hosting our wedding shortly after the arrival of our twins.  We decided we needed to simplify.  We needed to make things more manageable  so we could enjoy the day and not worry about logistics and preparations.  Clearly, we needed to go camping!

While at first the idea of a camping wedding suggests nothing but logistics and preparation, we also know that there is something beautifully simple about camping.  We will all be present on the day at our most elemental states.  There can be nothing more intimate than sharing an experience on the land together, free of our day-to-day distractions and absolutely in touch with ourselves.  Bon Echo is a park we’ve already shared with both friends and family.  It’s a place that is perfectly Ontario.  It is a place that we will return to often.  And, after September 15, it is a place that will remind us of our beginnings, of our great love, and of the support our friends and family have shown us.  And, that’s why Bon Echo.

One thought on “Why Bon Echo?”

  1. Loved the slide show.
    Love you guys.
    I don’t care where the wedding is; camping, the Taj Mahal or the moon, I’d follow you anywhere for the chance to share in your joy.
    Love xx

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