Pop! Pop! Pop!

I decided to work from home today because I am writing a proposal for an RFP that is due early next week. It’s Friday. It’s raining. Good day to work from home, I say. I’ve recently gone back to work, starting a new job with my business partner of many years. We’ve gone in-house at an advertising agency running their design firm. It’s my dream job. Working with people I like and respect, working on meaningful projects, and making a contribution that matters. I couldn’t be happier — both on the work-front and on the home-front.

I’m sitting in front of my computer waiting for the words to spill out of my brain and onto the virtual page. My fingers are poised and at the ready. But the cutest little voices in the whole world are pulling my attention away. I know my little people are cute. They are smart and funny and sweet and bossy and so much more. But today I feel an ache in my heart at the sound of Willow’s voice. She’s in the playroom looking out the window trying to communicate with a neighbourhood doggie on the sidewalk down below. “Woof, woof”, she says in her little voice. And her brother, ever the maniac when surrounded by objects that have the potential to be air-born if he so chooses, is standing on the chair beside her taken it all in. At 18 months old they are on the cusp of communicating with real words.

I fell in love with the idea of these two little people the moment Sara and I knew we were expecting twins. Their names came to us quite quickly and easily. From early on Willow and Theo became a part of our family, even before Willow made her first Pterodactyl-like yelp and Theo gave us his first sweet smile.

The ache in my heart today makes me happy. I can feel my eyes water when I glance over at them, running around with their little pop pop pop push toys. One blue, one pink. Sharing doesn’t come until the age of 3 we’ve been told.

Love sick on a warm rainy Friday in the first week of October. Not such a bad way to welcome the weekend.

4 thoughts on “Pop! Pop! Pop!”

  1. And, me, I’m still at school — waiting for the bell as anxiously as the students in front of me. Dying to feel those little arms around my neck…even though I know that all they’re really looking for is a treat from “Dairy Queen.” See you soon, my loves.

    1. Well, Lorney is here building their tree fort, as you know. And each time she comes up the stairs Willow screams, “Mama! Mama!”. And Lorney says, “no Willow, it’s just me again…”. Get your bum home Mama!

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