Getting geared up

As August draws to a close and we’ve put some of our summer projects behind us, we are turning our attention to wedding prep. We have tuned up the car; now we know we can at least get there. We took the twins on a boat ride; we know their life jackets fit and they seem happy enough in them.  In fact, we’re lucky, they seem happy most of the time. And, yesterday we made a trip down to MEC to get geared up.

Our primary concern was ensuring that we can rent some of the key gear we don’t already own — extra tents for Suzanne’s brother, for my parents, for example.  A couple of bigger trip packs for the extra stuff we might be bringing. We also considered warm clothes for Willow and Theo. Most items were for 24 months and up. I’m guessing that most families don’t take their newborns camping.

We managed to find just what we were looking for so there must be other crazies out there too.

Now, many have asked us what to wear to a camping wedding.  And, frankly, that’s a really great question.  We have no idea. We chose a camping wedding because it’s simple…in a way.  It’s us at our most basic.  So, having said that, keep it simple.  I know that most of my camping clothes I’ve owned since I was a little kid — wool shirts and sweaters, stained and burned quick dry pants, wool socks and the like.  I’m sure that we’ll try to dress it up a little for September 15, but as I tell my students before our camping trips, a person can get perfectly outfitted at Value Village for a night in the woods.  Of course, at a Toronto private school kid, it’s likely their first time visiting a thrift shop.  The most important thing is to make sure we’re all warm in the event of a cold weekend, and dry in the event of rain.  Check out our suggested clothing list if you need help packing.

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